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Keeping your personal brand relevant
When Tom Peters introduced the idea of personal branding, he said that regardless of your age and position, unless you understand the importance of personal branding you’re going to be left behind. He said this because who you are, rather than what you do, will increasingly become the source of...
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An idea whose time has come
On your life’s journey You discover things that are Obvious yet profound. Take for example: “How you live every day is How you live your life.” It brings...
On being your own good self (in under 100 words)
It’s much easier to be like everyone else. Deep down we believe Other people’s lives are better than ours (so we copy them) We are inadequate (compared to who we thought we’d...
Don’t hate on my haiku
Is your life is boring, friend? Every day the same as the next? Same routine? Same packed lunch? Same profile picture? Same series on Netflix? When I was in Uruguay I used to get...
Be soft like water
My foray into the underbelly of kimura shukokai karate holds surprising contrasts. The latest instruction hurled at me from across the tatami was to be ‘soft like water’. For...
10 Communication Tweaks to Help You Sound More Assertive
It’s time to banish tentative verb phrases like “I think”, “I feel” or “I just thought” so that you sound more confident and assertive at work. Here are 10 common workplace...
Living under a coat of bright, shiny nail-polish
Yesterday, a client and I spent 20 minutes discussing nail polish. I’ll let that sink in for a minute. Bright and shiny on the outside, but gosh, what’s all that formaldehyde...
Missing from your daily habits
1. Offer to help 2. Look behind you and fix what’s not right 3. Eat something nutritious 4. Breathe 5. Find the gaps between your thoughts 6. Say...
What’s your weird?
My first real job was PR & Promotions assistant in the fashion industry. It involved sponsoring pantihose for fashion shows, gift wrapping a few ‘one-size-fits-all’ pairs for...
Scared Silly
I have two big fears in life. Fear 1: Not getting to the buffet table in time Yes it’s a privileged fear. It’s also irrational, because there’s usually plenty of the good stuff....
Don’t be kak. Be lekker.
So last night - as I was sad-movie-sobbing into my smoked strawberry salad, watching as the tears plopped into the arugula and wondering (as if in the mind of a different person)...
An idea whose time has come
On your life’s journey You discover things that are Obvious yet profound. Take for example: “How you live every day is How you live your life.” It brings...
On being your own good self (in under 100 words)
It’s much easier to be like everyone else. Deep down we believe Other people’s lives are better than ours (so we copy them) We are inadequate (compared to who we thought we’d...
Don’t hate on my haiku
Is your life is boring, friend? Every day the same as the next? Same routine? Same packed lunch? Same profile picture? Same series on Netflix? When I was in Uruguay I used to get...
Be soft like water
My foray into the underbelly of kimura shukokai karate holds surprising contrasts. The latest instruction hurled at me from across the tatami was to be ‘soft like water’. For...
10 Communication Tweaks to Help You Sound More Assertive
It’s time to banish tentative verb phrases like “I think”, “I feel” or “I just thought” so that you sound more confident and assertive at work. Here are 10 common workplace...
Living under a coat of bright, shiny nail-polish
Yesterday, a client and I spent 20 minutes discussing nail polish. I’ll let that sink in for a minute. Bright and shiny on the outside, but gosh, what’s all that formaldehyde...
Missing from your daily habits
1. Offer to help 2. Look behind you and fix what’s not right 3. Eat something nutritious 4. Breathe 5. Find the gaps between your thoughts 6. Say...
What’s your weird?
My first real job was PR & Promotions assistant in the fashion industry. It involved sponsoring pantihose for fashion shows, gift wrapping a few ‘one-size-fits-all’ pairs for...
New Year New You, Or Same Shame?
Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt intimidated by this, the season of the spiritual loofah. You know - time to clean the slate, jump-start the new year, turn over a new leaf,...
Yesterday Was A Good Day For Christmas
Yesterday was a good day for Christmas. I don’t mean it was a good day to celebrate Christmas, I mean it was a good day for people planning Christmas. There was one woman,...
Should You Ignore Your Weaknesses?
Don’t you hate it when you misjudge how many provitas with peanut butter to have with your tea? And then you finish them all before your tea is even cool enough to drink? And...
13 Ridiculously Nice Things To Say To Someone
My husband does this thing. When we’re finished training at the gym and before heading off for our respective showers, he says, “Take your time. I’m not in a rush.” In that...
Raising Men
Confession: Parenting doesn’t come easily to me. When my first son turned six months old the realisation dawned that I’d managed to keep him alive. I hadn’t starved him,...
The Secret Behind Charging What You’re Worth
How many of these apply to you: You have an outstanding product. Tick. You created it with heart and soul. Tick. You over-deliver on service. Tick. You’re reliable and...
What Your Choice Of Words Says About You
The words people use tell us a lot about them. They give us clues to what they might really mean while trying to hide behind phrases they think are more socially acceptable. But...
How To Respond When Your Personal Brand Is In Crisis
Admit it. You’ve done it. You’ve pressed ‘reply all’ when your snarky response was only meant for one. Or you’ve sent an angry - or worse, drunken - tweet in response to...
5 Things I’m Really Bad At
I really suck at boiling eggs. They’re either too hard - so when you try and dip the toast into the egg it buckles clumsily against the yolk - or the egg’s too soft and makes...
Five Things Successful People Do Before Bed
The problem with annoying titles like Five Things Successful People Do Before Bed is that I’m almost guaranteed to click on them. And then I scan the article looking for the...
How Successful People Simplify Their Lives
I spend a lot of time each day wondering what to eat. Come to think of it, a surprising amount of my time is filled with decisions - like what to do with this email, what to do...
7 Tips to Properly Introduce People Over Email
Have you ever had to introduce people over email? It can be pretty awkward. Do you greet them both, or connect with first one and then the other? What do you say in the subject...
How To Recover Your Cool After A Blunder
The pants I bought are silky and have a geometric print. (I know, I know. I should’ve known better.) “I could wear these to a networking breakfast” I thought, picturing myself...
Bored With Blogs? Five Favourite TED Talks To Inspire You
Have you noticed that we entrepreneurs all learn from entrepreneurial blogs written by entrepreneurial superstars who run seriously successful online programmes or sell seriously...
How To Genuinely Connect With Important People
“I’m so nervous. {Fanning face, breathing heavily}. I’ve spotted someone I really admire and I’m just desperate to introduce myself. But I’ll die if I do.” Torn between the...
Case Study: The True Value of Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs
Wayne Gosling - CEO Groupon SA and Trish Holdengarde - Strategic Business Intuitive and CoachThe branding experts assure us that building your personal brand helps to position...
When Last Did You Boost Your LinkedIn Profile?
Let me start with a disclaimer. I’m not a LinkedIn expert. But before you click close, I changed three things on my LinkedIn profile that have helped me get more views, make more...
How To Position Yourself As An Expert
If you’re anything like me, then being the go-to person in your particular area of expertise is something you aspire to. You know what I mean - when someone asks a friend who...
Is Too Much Authenticity Holding You Back?
If you’ve been following my work for a while you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of authenticity. I really believe that we can do more and be more if we embrace all that we are. In...
Revealed: Why It’s So Hard to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
January 1st 2015. Write New Year’s resolutions. Tick. February 1st. Forget New Year’s resolutions. Tick. This time of year is all about setting goals. Unfortunately for...
Want to Grow your Business? Grow Yourself.
Have you ever had this experience: someone says something and your world just stops, because you know that it’s one of the most important things you’ve ever heard, but you’re not...
Are You Stuck in Perfection Paralysis?
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of navel gazing. I’m predisposed to it - like the default setting on a computer - but this time my initiator is a leadership coach called Colin Adam....
What’s Really Authentic for You?
How do you find out what’s really authentic for you and not some ishme-mishme crap? Good question. You’ve heard it SO many times. Be authentic. Be real. Be honest. Be true. Be...
Meditation for a Marketer
On a personal note… I love my bed. Heaven knows how much I love my bed. My husband will tell you how much I love my bed. I love my bed so much I get excited when it’s time to go...
The Hefty Price of Being Inauthentic
Have you ever experienced a silly slap? Some physical sign from the world around you that what you are doing is not OK? How often have you ignored that sign; that little ‘tap’...
As a Business-Owner Mom, What’s your Bliss?
As women in business we want to succeed as mothers and as entrepreneurs. We want to have the flexibility to spend time with our children and make good money at the same...