How To Say Thank You

8 December, 2016


If the thought of composing an official year-end thank you email to your loyal clients makes you groan inwardly, I’ve got you covered. You’ve already spent your energy racing to the finish line with last minute projects and deadlines. Now you need to be creative and show your very real gratitude to everyone who’s helped your journey along the way. Without being corny or insincere.

You’re stuck.

I get you. It can be tough.

So… Here are a few holiday greeting and thank you ideas to inspire your own personal messages. You can use them as is, or with just a hint of seasonal cheer, personalise them and make them your own.

Have fun.

For your mentor:

As I look back on the past year and reflect on all of those who’ve made my success possible, I’d like to acknowledge you. Not only have you helped shape my business, but you’ve also inspired me through your [insights], [vision] and [care]. I’m enormously grateful.

I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday season filled with abundance, happiness and peace. I look forward to continuing our work together in 2017.

For your customer:

Thank you for your business this year. We’re enormously grateful for your confidence in us in helping you move closer to your goals. We look forward to contributing to even bigger and better successes in 2017.

Wishing you an abundant, peaceful and happy festive season.

For your supplier:

Thank you for the opportunity to work with you this year. As a business we have thrived because of your amazing hard work and willingness to make our lives at [company name] just that little bit easier.

We wish you, your family and friends a joyous holiday season and a delightful and prosperous 2017.

For you:

Thank you for being a loyal reader of my blog. I’m enormously grateful for your attention so that I can share the best I’ve got. I created this blog not as an expert, but as a contributor to your personal branding journey. Thank you for trusting me as your guide. I’m honoured and privileged.

Wishing you and yours a peaceful and stress-free festive season.

If you’re traveling, go safely.

Robyn x

*A curtsey to the royals at Pesto Princess for inspiring this post*

Robyn Young - Personal Leadership Branding for Executives

About the Author

Robyn Young

As a personal leadership branding strategist, Robyn Young helps individuals identify and articulate their unique strengths, values and goals, empowering them to build an authentic personal brand that resonates with their stakeholders.

Robyn has a keen eye for aligning personal attributes with professional aspirations, helping her clients project a powerful and compelling image in their chosen field.