The Secret Behind Charging What You’re Worth

13 May, 2015

Money loves clarity

How many of these apply to you:

You have an outstanding product. Tick.

You created it with heart and soul. Tick.

You over-deliver on service. Tick.

You’re reliable and consistent. Tick.

Your clients think you’re amazing. Tick.

You’re overwhelmed and exhausted. Double tick.

You can’t even afford a decent meal out…


Okay, having extra cash depends on a number of things, but knowing just how much to charge for your incredible service and earning what you deserve, boils down to – in my mind – just one.

Wrapped under many squirmy layers is your confidence, and it’s what stops you and people like you [and me] from charging what we’re worth.

But there’s good news. Confidence is a muscle. The more you use it the bigger it gets. In fact, raising your money confidence doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right know how, attitude and practice, you can up your self-worth quotient and use it as your magic tool for all kinds of good stuff.

Here are 8 ways to flex your confidence muscle so that you can earn what you truly deserve:

1. Get crystal clear on what you most want to deliver and what your customers most want to buy. Build your business around this. Money loves clarity.

2. Think of a great win or success you’ve experienced in your life and recognise the role you played in it. Indulge the feeling for a while. Then ask those involved for testimonials and publish them online. Money loves social proof.

3. Catch yourself being overwhelmed or second-guessing your decisions. Then, imagine you’re giving advice to your best friend. What would you say to her and how would you guide her to reclaim her greatness? Money loves authority.

4. Scared of looking silly? You and everyone else. Don’t be afraid to show your true, colourful, complex and interesting self. Money loves authenticity.

5. Find a relationship that feels like it’s in a rut and inject some flirt into it. Infuse it with energy and enthusiasm, commitment and excellence. Money loves passion.

6. Fear is a way of letting you know that you’re about to stretch further than you ever have before. Use the energy to positively grow the repertoire of things you’ve tried. Money loves courage.

7. It’s easy to give up when you’re almost there. Don’t. Push through the last 10% even if you feel demotivated. Money loves tenacity.

8. Don’t feel like you have to do everything yourself. Ask for help. Sometimes this is the most confident thing you can do.

Don’t forget, there are already loads of things you do with natural self-confidence. Next time you catch yourself doing one of them, stop and notice how it feels. Get familiar with the feeling. Swim in it. And when you’re thinking about what to charge for your new product or service, call it up and make your pricing decision based on this feeling, this knowing that there would be a hole in the world if you weren’t there, doing what do.

Robyn Young - Personal Leadership Branding for Executives

About the Author

Robyn Young

As a personal leadership branding strategist, Robyn Young helps individuals identify and articulate their unique strengths, values and goals, empowering them to build an authentic personal brand that resonates with their stakeholders.

Robyn has a keen eye for aligning personal attributes with professional aspirations, helping her clients project a powerful and compelling image in their chosen field.