5 Done For You Templates To Boost Your Personal Brand

25 May, 2016

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“Make it stop! Make it stop!” is what I was saying to myself while writing this week’s post. Because, dear reader, we have a new neighbour. And she’s a screamer.

While I’d love to vent more I’m not going to. If she finds this post she might think I’m a passive-aggressive complainer, which maybe I am, but that stays between you and me. Suffice it to say that I’m amazed at the volume of stuff that can come out of such a little body. My only hope is that when she turns 3 she’ll be sent to a Waldorf school. Then she’ll learn to play with felt. Is what I tell myself.

Today we’re talking Templates.

I don’t know about you but I LOVE me a template.

I love them like 2 year olds love tantrums.

Like teenagers love rolling their eyes.

Like old people love riding the clutch.

With a template all you need to do is pop in the right words and SHEBANG! you have your cover letter, guest post, fee increase and sponsorship requests sorted.

Here are samples of real emails I’ve written to real people based on guidance I’ve received from real mentors. You can copy them word for word, or get a feel for the structure and replace what doesn’t suit you with stuff you’d actually say.

Here are five of my favourites:

When you want to pitch your work

The most important thing about this request is to do your homework well. It’s vital that you know something about the person you’re pitching to, their brand/organisation and what they’re ideally looking for. Think about what their boss wants from them and see if you can pitch your offering to meet it. If you mention a referral name, even better. (Thanks Marie Forleo).

Hi C,

My name is Robyn Young and I recently learned through a conference. From what I understand you have a panel of speakers and I’d love to be one of them.

My expertise is in personal branding, or more specifically, teaching women how to discover their unique strengths and gifts, the benefits they offer to their organisations, and how to use them effectively with the people they need to serve. I’d be happy to craft a talk specifically for your leadership team.

Let me know if you’re interested and if so when we can discuss moving ahead. I can be reached via email or phone [xxx xxx xxxx]

You can also learn more about me here [link to website]

I look forward to connecting soon.



When you need to increase your fees or ask for a raise

Your intention with this one is to offer massive value, and show your client how you’re going to do it. This script forces you to become a better entrepreneur because it helps you to think ahead and give your client exactly what she needs.

There is one preliminary step: send out a survey to your clients asking how you can improve your work with them. Ask them if budget was no consideration and you could help with anything, what would it be? Once you’ve collected the responses, you could use an email similar to this (Thanks Ramit Sethi).

Hi S,

We’ve been working together for [time frame] and I’d like to discuss our engagement together.

Over the past [time frame] I’ve helped you manage your [marketing and awareness campaign] which has saved you x number of hours per day/week. As a direct result of my engagement you’ve gained [x] new clients, generating a total of [Rx] revenue. I’ve helped you [develop a business strategy] that has taken your business [100% online], saving you client face time costs, travel and time.

This year, one of the things you told me you’re looking for is [A and B]. I’m going to be adding [A] as a complementary part of my service to you. I’ve heard from a number of clients (including you) that you want this and so I’ll be adding it for [1 hour a week, free of charge].

As of [date] my rate is going up from [Rx] to [Rx]. If that’s something you’re not comfortable with, please let me know. I’ll be happy to refer you to someone who might be a better fit for your cost needs. But if this is something that works for you, these are my plans for us for the next 30, 60 and 90 days, which includes the [B] you’re looking for.

Plan outline 30 days

Plan outline 60 days

Plan outline 90 days

Thank you most sincerely for considering this. I really look forward to us continuing our working together.

Warm regards


When your client turns up late or cancels at the last minute

It’s perfectly acceptable to call your client on their behaviour, particularly if you see a pattern developing. Your time is valuable, and just because someone is paying you it doesn’t mean you need to allow yourself to be treated poorly. (Thanks Denise Duffield-Thomas)

Turns up late: (This is more of a telephone or in-person script than an email template)

Hi L,

Our meeting was scheduled for 2pm. It’s now 2.15pm. Is everything okay?

Next time please will you call me if you run late or have an emergency.

Right, we’ve got 45 minutes left of our session, where do you want to start?

Cancels at the last minute:

Hi L,

Thanks for letting me know that you can’t make our meeting today.

As you know I have a 24 hour cancellation policy (make sure that you do) so this session will be billed at the full rate.

Next time please will you call me asap if you know you can’t make it so that we can reschedule.

See you next week,


When someone asks to pick your brain

Okay, while it might seem like there’s no harm in doing it, the stuff in your brain took time and effort to get there, so think twice before just giving it away.

You could try this:

Hi T,

Thanks for your kind words about my work. Appreciated.

Unfortunately I don’t meet people for casual coffees anymore. The value of personal branding is in the process and each session builds on the last. You can become a subscriber or read my blog posts for insights that will answer most general questions. Or you can choose to work with me if you’re serious about building your brand.



When your prospect goes cold

Ah, yes. We’ve all had them. The I’m-so-excited-I’m-tripping-over-myself client, but when it comes to actually committing… crickets. The secret is to go in strong.

Hi M,

I met someone at an event last night who is delivering workshops in [client’s area of expertise]. If we’re going to establish you as a leader in your field we need to get cracking. Here is his website [link].

How can I get time in your diary so that we can discuss an efficient way forward? I’m available on [these days] at [these times].” (This is much more powerful than “Let me know what works.”)

I don’t want to annoy you with emails if you’re not interested or if it’s the wrong time. Just let me know if you’d prefer I stop following up.



There! You, me and templates. We go together like ramma-lamma-lamma…

Do you have any you’d like to share? Tell us in the comments.

If you enjoyed this post, you might also like 7 Tips To Properly Introduce People Over Email and 7 Ways To Improve Your Follow Up Emails.

Robyn Young - Personal Leadership Branding for Executives

About the Author

Robyn Young

As a personal leadership branding strategist, Robyn Young helps individuals identify and articulate their unique strengths, values and goals, empowering them to build an authentic personal brand that resonates with their stakeholders.

Robyn has a keen eye for aligning personal attributes with professional aspirations, helping her clients project a powerful and compelling image in their chosen field.